Name............. Professional Fonts & Clipart
Publisher........  PDSOFT 
Price............ UK: £19.99  NORWAY:199kr
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... Information not available.
Language......... English
Bootable......... Information not available.
Filesystem....... Information not available.
Requirements..... keyboard, mouse, floppy-drive, storage space
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ ............. 100%
                  Amiga KS2.1+ ............. 100%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ ............. 100%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... 100%
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............ 100%

Release Date..... Information not available.

Contents......... Fonts and clipart for many programs.
                  4000 Adobe type 1 fonts
                  1500 Truetype fonts (For Windows)
                  Prodraw fonts
                  IFF Mono and colour fonts
                  Pro Page 2 Fonts
                  Page Setter 2 Fonts
                  5000 PCX clipart files
                   300 GIF files
                  1000 EPS format
                  2379 TIFF files

Access Software.. Information not available.

Comments......... Some files are unpacked, some are packed
                  with LHA, som with DMS.

Testers Opinion.. A necessary disc for those who are
                  interrested in DTP and typesetting. The CD
                  has a name which ends with a colon, thus 
                  making it hard to access on an Amiga.
                  Rating: Five out of five. 
                                            (Datormagazin 2/95) 

                  "As for the quality, most of the images and 
                  fonts are good enough for sub 400dpi DTP
                  work and on-screen presentations."
                  Rating: 70%               (CU Amiga March 95)

                  "Unless you can convert PC fonts for use on the
                  Amiga (or you have a package that supports them),
                  this font collection is less than useful."
                  Rating: 72%

Keywords......... Clipart, Fonts

Sources..........  Anders Bakkevold 

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